Dobra administracja - Administracja Pod Kontrolą
Dobra administracja - Administracja Pod Kontrolą

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Aktualności English

Please find below the video of the lecture’s portion, in which attorney Krzysztof Wąsowski, PhD, explains how to control efficiently administrative decisions. The speech was made on the first session of the School of Leaders, operating within the program Administration Under Control

If you intend to learn on:

1. Does the lawful administrative decision exist?

2. What is the difference between a material and immaterial error?

3. What features are necessary to be held to control administrative decisions in en efficient manner?

Click the video below and learn how to control administrative decisions in en efficient manner.

Krzysztof Wąsowski – a graduate of Faculty of Law and Administration, Warsaw University  (1998), attorney, PhD in Law (2003), university lecturer.

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